LEONIC Men's Products
LEONIC is our brand of all-natural, primarily organic men’s grooming products that’s owned and operated by TENOBA, LLC. and created “For the naturally ICONIC man!”
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We provide high-quality, natural, primarily vegan and organic body-care products to men and women who are focused on a healthier and holistic lifestyle.
LEONIC is our brand of all-natural, primarily organic men’s grooming products that’s owned and operated by TENOBA, LLC. and created “For the naturally ICONIC man!”
Our weight-less, oil-free, ultra-hydrating eye gel brightens the appearance of your skin while it reduces the appearance of dark circles, under-eye puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles, and crows feet. The rich combination of cucumber, pomegranate, and vitamin K were chosen specifically for the delicate skin around your eyes and work hard to give your eyes a more youthful, well-rested look. The natural ingredients are suitable for all skin types; including sensitive skin. Just one drop assists with reducing the signs of aging and fatigue. The gel can also be used on the upper brow to reduce the appearance of sagging and ‘crepy-ness”.
Sure, you can find some less expensive brands; but what are the ingredients? Our eye gel is fragrance-free and contains no parabens, sulfates, phthalates, or other man-made synthetics. It’s 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and has not been tested on animals. Others on the market that tout these same claims costs upwards of $70 or more.
Allow gel to absorb for 1 - 2 minutes before applying make-up to avoid piling. Use sparingly; a little goes a long way.
This serum comes in an airless pump and just a small amount, about the size of a pea, covers both eyes up to the brow bone. One bottle should last approximately 90 days when used as directed.