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We provide high-quality, natural, primarily vegan and organic body-care products to men and women who are focused on a healthier and holistic lifestyle.

At Ease Cream (organic)

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At Ease Cream (organic)

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At Ease Cream (organic)


Our At Ease Cream was developed for moisture, comfort, and relaxation of the joints using naturally derived ingredients. This cream is very moisturizing and the added relaxation typically occurs within a few minutes after applying and can last for several hours.

At Ease is formulated with 100% natural and organic ingredients and without parabens, petroleum, or other man-made synthetics. It is made with a synergistic combination of organic cocoa butter, kombo butter, organic candelilla wax, organic jojoba oil, and organic essential oils of cardamom, chamomile, juniper, and lavender. These natural ingredients assist with moisturizing the skin while providing comfort and ease after a hectic day.

The blend of ingredients offer a natural, calming aroma that is also beneficial in helping you to relax. It primarily has the sweet and warming smell of cardamom. When I smell cardamom, I experience a warm and loving sensation that gently spreads throughout my body. It also has the gentle aroma of lavender, which is calming and the grounding and calming aroma of juniper.

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This product is for cosmetic purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See your health care provider for all medical conditions, if new symptoms occur, or if redness or swelling are present; these could be signs of a serious medical condition.

Information found here is educational in nature and not intended as a substitute for professional health care. If you have, or suspect you have, a medical issue, be sure to consult your health care provider. Consult a health care provider for a proper diagnosis if you think you are suffering from any medical condition. Application instructions must be followed to get the best results and results may vary.