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We provide high-quality, natural, primarily vegan and organic body-care products to men and women who are focused on a healthier and holistic lifestyle.

All Products

African Black Soap (organic)
from $5.00
Shea Butter Soap (vegan)
from $5.00
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Artisan Soap - Balancing and Detoxifying Soap (vegan)
from $5.00
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Artisan Soap - Clarifying and Softening Soap (vegan)
from $5.00
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Artisan Soap - Revitalizing and Hydrating Soap (vegan)
from $5.00
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Artisan Soap - Toning and Refreshing Soap (vegan)
from $5.00
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Body and Hair Oil (organic)
Dry Oil Body Spray
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Perfume Oil (organic)
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Whipped Body Crème (organic)
from $3.00
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Whipped Shea Butter (organic)
from $3.00