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We provide high-quality, natural, primarily vegan and organic body-care products to men and women who are focused on a healthier and holistic lifestyle.

Foot Balm (organic)

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Foot Balm (organic)

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Foot Balm (organic)


Our Sole Food Foot Balm is made with organic ingredients and is free of man-made synthetics. It's vegan and whipped to a light consistency that is easy to apply and absorbs well into the skin while nourishing and softening extremely dry, cracked, or scaly feet. We simply use organic shea butter; organic candelilla wax; organic cocoa butter; organic jojoba oil; organic neem oil; organic sweet almond oil; and organic essential oils of tea tree, patchouli, myrrh, & lemon. This highly concentrated, 2 ounce jar should last for approximately one month if used as directed.

This balm is also effective to use on knees, elbows, or other external parts of the body that tend to get very dry, cracked, or scaly. Our containers are BPA-free too!

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